
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Early Years Curriculum Aspirations

Rationale - Intent


The 2024/2025 cohort of children consist of 47% boys and 53% girls. 21% of these children are disadvantaged. These figures may change throughout the academic year.


At Heatherlands we believe that the children need 7 key skills as pre-requisite knowledge to starting school. School readiness is when a child holds curiosity and enthusiasm for the world around them. They are able to co-operate and share with one another. They speak clearly in sentences whilst listening and understanding what others say. They move with co-ordination whilst able to address their care needs.


The bedrock of the practice in Early Years at Heatherlands Primary School is to develop executive functioning skills to help children regulate their behaviour and to promote the school values of respect, resilience, aspiration, motivation and independence. With these skills and values embedded and fully understood by all children, we are creating excellent learning behaviours and productive and proactive learners.


In order to become strong citizens of society the children need to make rapid progress in the prime areas of learning. These areas of learning underpin the children’s ability to effectively access the specific areas of learning. The balance of child-initiated and adult-directed learning along with the promotion of the school values supports children to gain the expected standard at the end of Early Years.

Heatherlands EYFS Aspirations & Milestones 2024 - 2025
