
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Afterschool clubs


Martial Arts

Coach Robbie

The Robbie Rocket Foundation After School Club

The Robbie Rocket Foundation are delighted to announce that yet again we have been chosen by the BCP as one of their approved providers to provide our healthy and active lifestyles holiday club over the summer, if your child is entitled to free school meals, benefits related, you are entitled to attend our holiday club for 16 half days, for FREE!!!!! We are based at heatherlands school in parkstone, you can choose from either 8.30 am until 12.30 or 12.30 until 4.30 pm, your child will also receive a healthy hot meal, spaces are limited so contact the team on 07745 942711 to secure your child's place, we look forward to seeing you in the summer holidays.

The Robbie Rocket Foundation - Summer Holiday Club

Strictly Stage

Stamp Drama
