Enjoying Learning Together
Welcome to Year 1
To contact the year leader please email:
Please phone the office if you have an urgent message or enquiry.
The Heatherlands Way
PE days: Monday (outdoor) & Thursday (indoor) - Children to come into school dressed in PE kits.
In Year 1, over the past few weeks we have been using the text Handa's Surprise to help us with our writing. We ordered the story and then wrote sentences to match our pictures. This week we decided which delicious fruits to put in our fruit bowl and used adjectives to describe them.
In our topic work of Around the World we looked at the continent of Africa and created our own sunset silhouette art pictures including some of the animals that may live there.
During Science, we planted some sunflower seeds but we are wondering whether they will grow or not as the weather is so cold! Let's wait and see.
We have really enjoyed the first half term in year 1 and are beginning to understand the routines and expectations. The children have loved our first topic, 'Super Me' - learning about the human body including: labelling and drawing body parts, exploring senses and discussing which part of the body is associated with each sense.
As part of our topic, we learnt about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to international achievements including Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.
In Maths, we practiced place value within 10 - counting, sorting, comparing and ordering numbers. We also began simple addition and subtraction within 10 - introducing children to the part-whole model, understanding fact families and exploring number bonds within and to 10.
We finished our topic by creating an excellent self-portrait. We explored different types of lines, learnt how to draw facial features and had fun creating funny 'misfit' faces of each other. The children have worked incredibly hard this term and should be SUPER proud of their achievements!
After half term we begin our new topic 'Toy Stories'. Children will learn about the history of toys and the materials used to make them. We will look at toys from the past including what the king played with and compare them to toys children play with today. The children will also design and make a simple toy.
In English, we will read stories from 'Old Bear' and practice sequencing key events. We will continue to orally compose a sentence and count the words in a sentence on our fingers.
Question to ask me from this half term
How many basic senses do we have ? Can you name them?
Who was Florence Nightingale/Mary Seacole? Why was she a hero?
How many ways can you make 10 using a part-whole model?
Which artists have we learnt about this term? Who was your favourite? Why?
Can you draw a portrait in the style of your favourite artist using cubism or pop art?