
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


To contact the year leader please email:


Please phone the office if you have an urgent message or enquiry.





The Heatherlands Way

PE days: Tuesday (indoor)  & Wednesday (outdoor) Children to come into school dressed in PE kits.

Year 3 Parent Knowledge Organiser Pack 2024 2025

We have had a wonderful start to the half term and it is great to see how hard all of the children have been working! We have enjoyed reading ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward in our English lessons and have engaged in lots of discussions about reducing, reusing or recycling our rubbish as a result.

We have written persuasive letters in role as the character from the story urging the council to help tidy up all of the rubbish.


In maths we are focusing on addition and subtraction and beginning to record our calculations in a formal column method. The children are learning how to exchange tens and ones and have enjoyed using practical resources to support this process.


We have been fully engaged in our art topic and the children have produced their own fantastic prints of flowers in the style of Andy Warhol.


Key questions to ask:

What are the three Rs and how can we follow them?

How do I know if I need to exchange tens or ones when I am subtracting?

How does Andy Warhol use colour in his artwork?


This weeks homework is a quiz to consolidate what the children have been learning about in their topics at school. Quizzes are due in on the 14th October. They do not necessarily need to be printed, but the answers do need to be written down and handed in to the teachers.

Our Wonderful Maths Ambassador, Eden, announced our new maths home learning challenges this morning in assembly. Eden would like entries back to her by Friday 18th October.

New Yr3 Parent Information Meeting Slides July 2024

50 Recommended Reads for Year 3
