
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Religious Education & World Views

The RE 'Big Ideas'


The ‘Big Ideas’ relate to elements within a subject discipline or refer to important concepts that contribute to pupils’ personal and social development. It is essential that the ‘Big Ideas’ within each subject are understood by the children and become part of their common classroom language. In writing, these 'Big Ideas' are:


  • Enquiry
  • Understanding
  • Reflection



Curriculum Drivers:

The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s Curriculum Drivers: Community, Communication and Consolidation. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum and developed through ‘The Heatherlands Way’ values of independence, resilience, motivation, aspiration and respect.


The knowledge and skills children learn must be co-ordinated and coherent.  In order to achieve this in our curriculum, we have identified the key concepts or overarching ideas within each subject.  To enable the children to access them, we call these the ‘Big Ideas’.  In RE these are: enquiry, understanding and reflection.

RE & World Views Policy

Information for Parents and Carers

RE & World Views Overview

In Year 1 the children have been exploring the question 'Does God want Christians to look after the world?' using Discovery RE.
