
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together


The PE 'Big Ideas'


The ‘Big Ideas’ relate to elements within a subject discipline or refer to important concepts that contribute to pupils’ personal and social development. It is essential that the ‘Big Ideas’ within each subject are understood by the children and become part of their common classroom language. In science, these 'Big Ideas' are:


  • Collaboration
  • Challenge
  • Performance

Our Year 6 sports leaders attended a Primary Leadership Academy at Poole High last week and they learnt how to be a productive sports leader and earn their ‘Bronze Ambassador’ status. They participated in four workshops where they learnt how to increase participation and a healthy lifestyle around Heatherlands, how to promote positive values in sport and how to be an ambassador and a role model advocating PE. They worked as a team on many activities but also had the chance to team up with other children from different schools. Our young ambassadors had to decide on which leadership values ranked most important to them and after careful consideration, they decided that communication, teamwork and respect were our top three. They have learnt new skills and games to share with the children at Heatherlands and I’m sure we can all agree that we are all looking forward to seeing how they will put their new skills to good use. Well done to all children for following the Heatherlands Way in all aspects at this event, you made me proud. Mrs Cruttenden.

We had our first football tournament at St Aldhem's this week & the boys had a great time. Bearing in mind we hadn't yet finalised our team, they played very well together & represented Heatherlands brilliantly. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the semi-finals but my gosh, they had great spirit! Mrs Cruttenden.

Y3 & Y4 children went on their first football match against Ferndown yesterday. It was a friendly tournament with two teams from each school playing against each other & we finished with a little match. The boys & girls did so well! As it was their first match, they were VERY excited but they conducted themselves well & showed good sportsmanship at the end of each match, shaking hands with the opposing team. We have some good players for the football teams next year, so watch this space!! Mrs Cruttenden.

Year 5/6 children had a fantastic time at the School Games event at Cornerstone academy! Even though they were a little nervous, the children participated well in every event. They listened well to the sports leaders, played well as a team, encouraged each other at all times and were a credit to the school. Every event began with a Heatherlands team huddle which motivated them all. We played with a positive attitude and thanked our opponents for playing with us at the end of the afternoon. Mrs Dighton

Here's the girls football team sporting the new Heatherlands kit which was kindly funded by Firstglass Automotive Glazing Let's hope we can get a debut win in the new kit!

Well done to the Year 5 and 6 cross-country team who performed brilliantly at the race at Canford School on Thursday 14th October. Videos and race report to follow!

PE curriculum overview

Afterschool clubs

Thank you to the Community Development Officer at AFC Bournemouth, Steve Cuss for delivering the prizes to Freddie Taylor this afternoon. We are so proud of Freddie and look forward to wearing the football kit when representing Heatherlands, as well as using the bag of sports equipment Freddie won in our PE sessions.




To Fred in Mayflower class for being selected as one of the winners of AFC Bournemouth's MSP Kit Creation competition with his well thought-out design. On 10th March, Year 6 received a surprise Zoom call from AFC Bournemouth to announce Fred as one of the winners. As part of this, Heatherlands will receive 14x2020/21 AFC Bournemouth home football shirts and a sports equipment bag!


A huge well done and thank you to all of the other children from Heatherlands who entered this competition - there were loads of entries submitted from children learning in school as well as at home!



Your chance to take part in an after-school club led by WORLD CLASS ATHLETES!


With sports opportunities and clubs being restricted in schools and the wider world at the moment, the Youth Sport Trust continue to recognise the importance of physical activity in the lives of children and adults in order to stay happy and healthy, particularly in these unprecedented, uncertain times. Therefore, next week the Youth Sports Trust are launching ‘Virtual After School Sports Club’. The Virtual After School Sport Club will be led by Athlete Mentors from different backgrounds, abilities and sports.


The first session will take place on Thursday 12th November at 5pm, with the world’s number one female inline skater and ten times British Champion, Jenna Downing. Every day at 5pm from 16 November until 18 December, children and young people can join in from home with the live broadcast for free, on their YouTube channel. 


Each day will be a different Athlete Mentor and different activity theme. To find out more visit: 

This is a really great way for children to keep to their recommended 60 active minutes per day, despite clubs and other opportunities being limited or temporarily suspended at the moment.




Whole school PE overview

School Games Mark 2020

We are delighted to be awarded with a special version of the School Games Mark this year, as the full School Games programme could not be fulfilled in any school this year, due to the restrictions. We have received the School Games Recognition Award 2019/20 for our engagement with School Games and commitment to PE over the Autumn and Spring terms.




With this School Games Recognition Award, we will also be retaining our 2018/19 School Games Gold Mark for the next academic year.

Thank you to everybody who has helped us to achieve these awards this academic year: children, parents and the wider community!

We are looking forward to working towards our 2020/21 School Games Mark!

Afterschool Sports Clubs




Last year, children across KS2 have started to play table cricket after school on a Wednesday. Table cricket is accessible to all pupils including wheelchair users. It provides the children with opportunities to build teamwork and sportsmanship in a competitive and enjoyable environment. One pupil commented, “It is a masterpiece.” (Hope, Year 4, Lulworth Class) another child commented, “It’s good because I get to meet new people.” (Oliver, Year 4, Lulworth Class). They are looking forward to developing their skills over the next few weeks.
