Enjoying Learning Together
This Safer Internet Day we are starting a conversation about how to spot, respond to, and report all types of scams online. Scams can take many forms and could target anyone, including young people. Whilst your 3-7 year old may not yet be ready to use the internet independently, use our top tips to start good online habits now that will help keep them safe in the future.
Spending time online together with family is an important learning experience for the youngest internet users. Not only will you both enjoy the quality time together, but you can supervise their usage and guide them to make the safest choices.
Help give your child the language to explain what they’re experiencing online by starting conversations about the internet and technology as early as possible. Talking regularly about what they love doing online, as well as any worries they may have , will help establish this habit and mean they’re more likely to come to you for help as they get older.
Parental controls and other safety settings can help protect your child from online harms, including scams. To avoid any nasty surprises on your bank statement, make sure in-app purchases or new downloads require a passcode, and don’t set card details to autofill on devices your child has access to.
If your child is too young to understand what fraud is, you can still lay the groundwork to help them stay safe online as they grow. Start simple and talk about the difference between real and make believe. Help them recognise that not everything online is true and that some things they see or hear could be stories, jokes or tricks.
The most important thing for your child to know is that you are always there to support them, online and offline. Encourage them to talk to you if anything they experience makes them feel worried or upset, and show them they can trust you to stay calm, listen and help make things better.
For Safer Internet Day this year, everyone across the school spent some time discussing this year’s theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. The Heatherlands Voice Online Safety ambassador, Nathan, even set up a research activity where the children in Key Stage 2 had to predict how old you should to be use different social media apps and then research the actual appropriate age of usage. It was very surprising!
Each year group carried out their own discussions and activities as shown below:
For Safer Internet Day, Year 1 talked about our digital footprint and how little pieces of information about us is stored every time we download and app, click on a website or play a game online. The children were given a footprint template with different apps and games that are familiar to them. They chose the ones which they have used and played before and stuck them onto the footprint. They then drew some of their own as well.
Year 2 mind mapped different types of technological device and completed a survey to find out who used each type of device. We then discussed keeping safe while using these types of technology and designed a poster about keeping safe while using technology.
Year 3 discussed the positive side of using the internet through a discussion about what we all enjoy doing online such as gaming, using Purple Mash, watching videos and talking to our friends. We then discussed the difference between sharing something publically or privately. We then sorted different personal information such as our favourite colour, where we go to school into whether we would share that information publically or privately.
For Safer Internet Day, Year 4 looked at different scenarios that could happen online. This included sending personal pictures and information, witnessing online bullying, sharing your location, receiving unknown emails, and the purpose of age ratings. We brain stormed different ideas of how best to deal with each situation and discussed who we could talk to about any concerns. We picked up some good tips from listening to each other, such as using a cartoon as your icon instead of a personal picture.
Year 5 and Year 6 had an assembly in the hall to discuss safety online and in particular Snapchat use. We reminded ourselves of being SMART online and followed by some fantastic pupil-led discussion on app use. In the afternoon, we then completed the Heatherlands Voice task by researching app age-restrictions and to check these with our estimates. We had some lovely class discussion on the reasons behind why these apps may be set to particular ages, and how to stay safe.
Safer Internet Day – 8th February 2022
This year’s theme was ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. All children took part in some age appropriate activities and discussion around this theme, promoting the positive impact of the internet and how we can use it for entertainment, as well as discussing the possible dangers when creating friendships online.
EYFS discussed how they stay say online and who helps them. They then drew a picture of themselves and their trusted adults that support them with online safety.
Year 1 discussed what is personal information and why we should keep it safe. They then sorted some pieces of information into whether it should be kept offline, or could be shared online.
Year 3 discussed how we help others when they run into online safety problems. We discussed different scenarios and sorted them with solutions such as ‘tell an adult’, ‘try and sort it in person’ and ‘block and report’.
Year 4 recapped online safety rules from their previous topic. They talked about cyberbullying and how to deal with it in a similar way to bullying. They then discussed how to enjoy the internet safely playing suitable games and what to do if something comes up that they are not happy about.
Yea r 5 used the official video from the ‘Safer Internet Day’ team to discuss important issues on online gaming and social media. They used the talking points raised by other children in other schools to discuss
Year 6 played the ‘Game On’ game as part of our Safer Internet Day assembly. We were able to discuss why and why not messages should be sent and even adapt them to make them more respectful. We then designed our own mascots for Safer Internet Day, thinking about this year’s slogan ‘All Fun and Games’.
Here is a link to the Safer Internet Day for some ideas on how to support your children at home. Please also remember we have access to National Safety Online that have parent specific videos and guides to embed online safety skills at home.
Safer Internet Day 2021
This year's Safer Internet Day theme 'This Is Me!' In Year 2 we talked about what makes us different and unique. We drew pictures of all the things that make us 'us' and we then discussed how and what we would share online. The children then colour coded their pictures. The green spots show what they would share online - likes and dislikes etc. The red spots are what they wouldn't share online - address, family, personal details.