
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Young Interpreters

The Young Interpreters for Heatherlands are now certified! We had a celebration to mark the end of their training today and they were awarded with their certificates. The children have been working hard for four weeks to become fully trained. Between them they know eight languages and have been teaching each other some greetings. They have learned about different ways of communicating with others who may not understand them. They have thought about strategies they could use when helping others and decided what they would need in their Young Interpreter packs to help them.


Using languages, qualities and training, Young Interpreters help children who are new to English and their families feel welcome and settled in school. Some of the things they will be doing in school include:


  • Helping give tours to new children starting school
  • Helping new children settle into school life
  • Helping new children understand routines and ways of working
  • Supporting children on the playground who struggle to communicate with their friends
  • Helping out in class (where appropriate)