
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Design & Technology

The DT 'Big Ideas'


The ‘Big Ideas’ relate to elements within a subject discipline or refer to important concepts that contribute to pupils’ personal and social development. It is essential that the ‘Big Ideas’ within each subject are understood by the children and become part of their common classroom language. In DT, these 'Big Ideas' are:


  • Design
  • Problem solving
  • Skills and expertise



Year 5 have started their wind turbines in DT. We started the unit by investigating gears and how they work. Today, we have enjoyed learning how to measure accurately to create the pieces for our turbines we will then move on to building them next lesson and making the gear system work. Thanks to all parents who brought in cardboard.

Year 2 Project afternoon April 2022

Please click on the links below for information on the Design & Technology curriculum across the school and the current Design & Technology policy.

Design & Technology curriculum statement

Design and technology progression map

Design & technology intent, implementation & impact

Design & Technology subject overview

Congratulations to Amelia who has won our recent toy design competition!

The judges were blown away by all of the entries so well done to our runners up and everyone who entered.

Thank you to Toytown in Poole for their donated prize of a £30 voucher and their help with judging the many amazing entries we had.


Christmas TOY DESIGN COMPETITION 2021. What would YOU like for Christmas? Imagine if you could design the perfect toy. What would it be?
