
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

The Breakfast Lounge

**Due to rising numbers at Breakfast club & to guarantee a space, we now require you to book 7 days in advance. This is to ensure we have the staff & enough food**

When booking, you will have 2 options, 7.45am start for £5, and 8am start for £4.

Breakfast Club - July 2024

Breakfast Club - June 2024

Breakfast Club - May 2024

Breakfast Club - April 2024

Mrs Andrews is stepping back from breakfast club. She was invited as guest of honour this morning at the Heatherlands Lounge! Miss Marsh, who has been a regular helper, will be filling her shoes as of today.

Breakfast Club - March 2024

World Book Day @The Breakfast Lounge!

Breakfast Club - Feb 2024

Breakfast Club - Jan 2024

Breakfast Club - Dec 2023

Breakfast Club - Nov 2023
