
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Statutory assessments, including SATS - information for parents

KS2 SATs Information for Parents



Please see the table below for SATs information for parents regarding the KS2 SATs tests that will take place from Monday 12th May 2025 to Thursday 15th May 2025.



Please view the video and PDF files below to find out information about SATS at KS2. 



Still image for this video

2025 KS2 SATs

The 2025 Key Stage 2 SATs will take place in the week commencing 12th May 2025. The tests will take place over four days.

Children in Year 6 (those aged 10-11) will take these tests in their primary school classrooms in England, UK. SATs will be taken in Maths, Reading and GaPS (Grammar, Punctuation and separate Spelling paper) under formal exam conditions. Each exam is strictly timed.

SATs Week 2025 starts Monday 12th May

These papers will be marked externally whilst separate teacher assessments in Writing and Science will be designed and marked by their teachers.

2025 will be the ninth year of 'new-style' primary assessments under the new national curriculum.


2025 KS2 SATs Timetable

Exam Ninja has produced a handy 2025 KS2 SATs Exam Timetable for parents, pupils and teachers to print off. You can find it here.


2025 KS2 SATs Science Sampling Tests

For several years the STA required a random selection of primary schools to set Science Sampling Tests. However, in July 2022 the STA announced that there would not be any further science sampling tests. Instead, teacher assessment data would be used.


2025 KS2 SATs Teacher Assessments

Around the period of exam week, teachers must design and carry out their teacher assessments in Writing and Science. Once completed and marked, they must submit teacher assessment data to the NCA tools website.


Preparing for the 2025 KS2 SATs

To help prepare children for the 2024 Key Stage 2 SATs, you are able to download the 202420232022201920182017 and 2016 papers free of charge.

All past papers include an English reading paper, a full set of mathematics papers and the short answer questions in the grammar punctuation and spelling paper.

Use past SATs papers to prepare for the 2025 KS2 SATs

Whilst not working to the same curriculum, Key Stage 2 SATs from 2015 (and before) are still useful to aid preparation. We recommend you download and use every spelling test from this period and ensure you use the spelling test audio too.

As well as using past SATs papers, parents should use our free Online SATs Tests. These multiple-choice tests in English and Maths are really useful for preparing towards their KS2 SATs.

We recommend using practice SATs papers at home

We particularly recommend parents buy these KS2 SATs practice papers, available from Exam Ninja and all good book shops.

Lastly, ensure you take a look at our informal SATs help guide, our free guide to SATs Revision and our 12 Crucial SATs Tips for success in the 2025 KS2 SATs.


2025 KS2 SATs Results

Each school's results will be made available to their headteachers in July 2025 via the NCA tools website. Parents will be given their child's scaled score (and sometimes raw score too) around this period with a note to say whether they achieved the expected standard, exceeded it or fell below it.

Every school's performance will be made public in December 2025 to create the 2025 school league tables.

KS2 SATs take place under formal exam conditions

If you are interested in seeing how your child's school performed in the SATs then look at the Department for Education (DfE) website that maintains up to date and historical school league tables.



2025 KS1 SATs

In 2025, Key Stage 1 SATs are no longer compulsory national tests.

However, KS1 SATs have been 'replaced' by optional KS1 SATs tests. These optional SATs tests will continue to be authored, published, printed and distributed by the STA. It is likely (following STA recommendation) that all schools across England will continue to administer these tests in the same fashion as past KS1 SATs tests.

Do bear in mind that schools will choose whether they will administer these optional KS1 SATsnot individual parents.

Children in Year 2 (those aged 6-7) will take these tests in their primary school classrooms England, UK.

KS1 SATs take place in your child's classroom

KS1 SATs will be taken in Maths, Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (optionally) under informal exam conditions. These papers will be marked by their teachers, along with their teacher assessments in Writing and Science.


KS1 SATs Dates

The 2025 KS1 SATs will take place at some point throughout May and June 2025. The precise days of the tests varies from school to school as they are offered the flexibility of fitting in the tests when its deemed most convenient.


Preparing for the 2025 KS1 SATs

To help prepare children for the 2025 KS1 SATs, you are able to download the 202420232022201920182017 and 2016 papers free of charge. Whilst not working to the same curriculum, KS1 SATs Papers from 2015 (and before) are still useful to aid preparation.

Use past papers and practice papers to help boost confidence and marks

For parents that wish to practice for the reading test, mathematics paper and English grammar may want to purchase some KS1 SATs Practice Papers. We particularly recommend parents buy these KS1 SATs Practice Papers, available from Exam Ninja and all good book shops.


2025 KS1 SATs Results

KS1 SATS results are not reported to parents as these are optional. Please ask the teacher if you wish to know how your child did. However, the teacher assessments will be shared via the end of year school reports.

Information for parents - Year 4 Multiplication Check 2nd - 13th June 2025


The phonics screening check is a quick and easy check of your child's phonics knowledge. It helps the school confirm whether your child has made the expected progress. The national phonics screening check was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils in the country.


Information for parents - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 9th - 13th June 2025


Why is it being introduced?

The RBA will replace end of key stage 1 (KS1) national curriculum assessments as the baseline for primary progress measures. This allows the government to take account of the fact that schools have different experiences in terms of their pupils’ starting points. Under previous arrangements, we were not able to give full credit for the important work that schools do between reception and year 2. The RBA changes this by providing a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school, establishing a new starting point to measure the progress that they make by the end of year 6. Removing statutory end of KS1 assessments also reduces the overall burden of the statutory assessment system. End of KS1 assessments became non-statutory from September 2023. The phonics screening check remains statutory.
