Enjoying Learning Together
To view all current vacancies at Coastal Learning Partnership schools please visit the Partnership website:
https://www.coastalpartnership.co.uk/working-at-clp/ and on the BCP jobs website: https://jobs.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/
Work Experience at Heatherlands Primary
If you are thinking of applying to the school to undertake work experience in preparation for a course of training with children, or as part of normal work experience with a school please send a formal request. This needs to be in writing addressed to Mrs Lloyd-Christie, Deputy Head, stating your course details, reason for applying, contact details etc. Our address can be found on the 'Contact Details' page of our website or by clicking here.
Please note that as a school we receive large volumes of enquiries and therefore requests cannot always be accommodated. In relation to work experience placements, we will only be accepting students who intend to pursue a career in education or childcare in the future. Applications need to be written by the student not by parents, tutors or other adults known to the student on their behalf.
All applicants will require DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance and this will be required before any work placement can commence. The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps to make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children.
Details of how to obtain your DBS clearance can be obtained by telephoning the school office on 01202 743918.
Volunteering at Heatherlands Primary
Thinking of becoming a volunteer? Heatherlands would love to welcome you!
We have many parents and people from our local community who come into school and help in the classrooms. They make a huge difference and staff really appreciate their support.
Help can take many forms; hearing children read, helping small groups of children with art and craft activities, talking to the children about special experiences (visits to other countries, hobbies, special skills), walking with the children to special events and trips, helping with swimming etc.
Applications need to be in writing to Mrs Lloyd-Christie, Deputy Head, stating your reason for applying, contact details etc. Our address can be found on the 'Contact Details' page of our website or by clicking here.
Any volunteer needs to have a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and the school can arrange this. If you visit the school office they will help you with this process. You will need to bring your:
a) Passport or birth certificate
b) Driving licence (photo card and counterpart)
c) Utility bill or council tax bill (dated within the last 3 months) for proof of address.
As soon as your DBS has been completed we will contact you and arrange an informal chat, followed by an induction which will guide you with some of the daily school routines and more formal information based on confidentiality and safeguarding.
Keeping children safe in education 2023