
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together


Poole Dance Festival - Cornerstones Academy

Poole Dance Festival 2023

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Year 4 and Year 5 took part in the dance festival held at Cornerstones Academy.

Just a quick message to say that we had a really lovely time at cross country yesterday! The children ran brilliantly and conducted themselves in a responsible manner. As expected, they were very excited and it was lovely to see so many parents turn up to watch :) Mrs Cruttenden.

Here's the girls football team sporting the new Heatherlands kit which was kindly funded by Firstglass Automotive Glazing. Let's hope we can get a debut win in the new kit!

We had the privilege of taking ten of our Y6 sports leaders to Poole High today for the Primary Leadership Academy. It is a chance for young children to show their enthusiasm and passion in sports and have an opportunity to learn how to be a leader. They have completed their first stage and are now called 'Bronze Ambassadors'. Firstly, I would like to say how proud I was of our children. They were incredibly respectful to all members there today and we had so many comments about how well we listened in the tasks. They showed excitement, enthusiasm and interest within all workshops and this shows what great values we have installed in them! There were four workshops that were spread out over the day. The first workshop was dance and although some reluctant to join in at first, they all participated and had a great time. They also learnt what it is to be a sports leader. This is where they were using a lot of the Heatherlands Way language and explaining how respect, resilience and motivation are key qualities in a leader. During the third workshop, they children learnt some new games that they could lead at lunchtimes and learnt the basics starting points of planning an activity safely. Finally, and the best one of all, they completed some team building games. I have to admit, we were the most enthusiastic in the hall and everyone knew it! This is only the beginning for our sports leaders and I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to offer. Well done for your efforts everyone, you made Heatherlands proud! Mrs Cruttenden.
