
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Heatherlands Voice

Meet your new Heatherlands Voice pupil representatives! They will be responsible for meeting and greeting visitors, representing their classmates across the school and giving a voice to the opinions of Heatherlands pupils. Each member of Heatherlands Voice has a ‘portfolio’, which they are responsible for. These include mental health and wellbeing, curriculum areas, pupil behaviour and safeguarding, amongst others. Furthermore, they are all role models for the Heatherlands Way and will be promoting our school values of Respect, Resilience, Motivation, Aspiration and Independence. They are all keenly looking forward to carrying out their new roles. 

This Christmas the Heatherlands Voice children and staff decided that they would like to support the Jimmy's Poole Foodbank with donations of Christmas treats and other essential items to support our local families. On 12/12/2023 three of our Heatherlands Voice children along with Mrs. Lloyd-Christie and Mrs. Stanley visited the local Poole Food Bank distribution center to deliver the donations. Whilst at the center the children got the opportunity to meet one of the managers Jane who kindly gave the children a tour of the foodbank and talked through how the food is collected and then distributed to the local families. Jane has also kindly invited all the Heatherlands Voice children back next year to give them the opportunity to help alongside the volunteers in order to see the positive impact that these kind donations have on the local community. Thank you to everyone that has kindly supported this Christmas collection, your donations are greatly appreciated. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!
