
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Heatherlands Voice

Meet your new Heatherlands Voice pupil representatives! They will be responsible for meeting and greeting visitors, representing their classmates across the school and giving a voice to the opinions of Heatherlands pupils. Each member of Heatherlands Voice has a ‘portfolio’, which they are responsible for. These include mental health and wellbeing, curriculum areas, pupil behaviour and safeguarding, amongst others. Furthermore, they are all role models for the Heatherlands Way and will be promoting our school values of Respect, Resilience, Motivation, Aspiration and Independence. They are all keenly looking forward to carrying out their new roles. 

Heatherlands Voice will be selling tickets after school on Friday 31st Jan on the top playground and every Friday until the draw on the 7th March. Tickets will be available from the office at anytime in between. £1 a ticket. Cash Only The winning ticket will win a current Bournemouth player signed ball. They are currently having a wonderful season! Go the Cherries!!!!

Heatherlands Voice are running another exciting bake sale on the 10th February. If any fabulous bakers out there would like to help the Heatherlands voice with some homemade valentines baked goods it would be much appreciated. Thank you for everyone's support Heatherlands Voice and Mrs Lloyd-Christie

This Christmas, some of the Heatherlands Voice children along with Mrs. Lloyd-Christie and Mrs. Stanley visited the Poole Food Bank Warehouse to deliver all of Heatherlands Christmas donations. The store manager Julie kindly gave the children a tour of the foodbank and explained what happens to all of the donations once they have been received. We would like to thank all of our wonderful Heatherlands parents and staff for their generous contributions to the charity.
