Enjoying Learning Together
February 2025
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
We are excited to relaunch our Heatherlands Way assembly today with this half-term's value of RESPECT. One child per class has been chosen by their teacher and received a postcard in the post.
Mrs Allen and Mrs Lloyd-Christie have been looking forward to presenting the children with their fabulous 'new look' RESPECT shields, which they can wear with pride. The children can now work towards collecting each value shield during their time at Heatherlands. We even have a new 'Heatherlands Way' shield that will be presented in the summer term for children who consistently demonstrate all the school values and are a role model to others.
In our recent IQM report it was noted that 'our five values form the foundation for the children to support their future success in education, personal development and social life...(which) confirms that the ‘Heatherlands Way Values’ are part and parcel of this successful, friendly school.
In our recent IQM report it was noted that 'our five values form the foundation for the children to support their future success in education, personal development and social life...(which) confirms that the ‘Heatherlands Way Values’ are part and parcel of this successful, friendly school.
September 2024
Email from Mr Churchill 27.9.24
Good afternoon, Parents and Carers
As we approach the end of our first month in school, I wanted to say how amazing and happy the children have been since returning to school on Sept 3rd.
In particular, the new entrants to Heatherlands have settled so quickly and are learning the Heatherlands Way and making lots of early progress.
I would also like to take a moment to thank the school community for your on-going support and encouragement each day.
The emails, phone calls and personal comments directed to staff and the wider school help to keep us moving forward and sometimes provide the additional motivation when times are hard.
The community support, tolerance and understanding offered by our parents and carers will always help to make the school stronger for our children and maintain our aspirations to be the best we can each day.
We know that the world is a changing place and very uncertain at times, helping to model kindness and compassion within our community collectively can only help prepare the children for the world they will inherit.
We now look forward to what October will bring and building on our positive start to the new school year.
Very best wishes
Mr Churchill
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
Please also keep an eye on the school calendar for other dates coming up. https://www.heatherlands.poole.sch.uk/calendar-1/
Just a reminder. Homework for the current topics will be set today and the children have 2 weeks to 'find some facts' to bring into school to share. We will then be setting a home learning project for your child, which will be sent out in 2 weeks on the 13th March. Please note, we will have an open afternoon on Wednesday 27th March so that you can view all the projects/home learning.
Just a quick reminder.
It is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March and we are holding a pre loved book sale on the day, which all children will visit and choose a book to take home. There is a £2 suggested donation and this also covers the dress up day on Friday 8th March. The children all love to dress up as their favourite book characters, as do the teachers. So we hope everyone is looking forward to this next week.
Please find attached a poster from our visiting author for World Book Week - Kerry McIntosh. She will be reading her new book 'Rory Green, secret agent to the Queen' to Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 children on Wednesday 6th March after lunch. If the children would like to buy a copy of her book and have it signed by her, please send £7 in a named envelope to give to the class teacher.
I would also love to put together a little competition for next week. The children in Year 4 recently had a potato parade, which was such a lovely activity and they really enjoyed it. As part of our celebrations, I would like to challenge the children to create a character from a favourite book using a potato as your base. You can use anything you wish to decorate your potato, the more inventive the better! You could use paint, fabric, lollipop sticks, etc. Here are a couple of examples...
The potato parade will take place on Wednesday 6th March. Please bring your potatoes in and we will display them in the hall. Dont forget to name them!
To add to the excitement of 'World Book Week' next week, we are going to be opening the school on Friday 8th March at 2.45pm, inviting as many parents, carers or grandparents to come in to read with their children as we can. We feel this will be a fantastic way to end our book week and for you all to see the children dressed up and enjoying reading together.
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
Christmas Message from Mr Churchill
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we close out 2023, I want to take a moment to thank each of you for your support and understanding this school year.
I have always firmly believed that working in partnership with home is the only way for us to continue to build the fantastic school this community deserves, and for us to make every day an exciting and inspiring place for the children to learn, socialise and grow as people.
It remains my resolution, to continue to work with all the Heatherlands staff to make 2024 another great year for the children, whether that is those who are in the early years just starting their education journey, or those now completing their final chapter in Year 6, prior to secondary transition next year.
We all fully recognise that the primary years are so important in a child's early life, as their daily school experiences help shape them and provide the early building blocks for developing positive relationships, discovering there should be no limits to what they can achieve and importantly encouraging them to become life long learners.
Although Heatherlands was deemed a good school by Ofsted in March 2022, we will continue to try and move the school forward so all children where possible receive outstanding school experiences during the time they are at Heatherlands. Through working together, we may just have more of a chance to make this happen!
Finally, I would like to close by wishing you and your family, a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
See you on January 3rd 2024
Kind regards
Mr Churchill
November 2023
Email from Mr Churchill 30.11.23
Good evening Parents and Carers,
I just wanted to provide some clarification and reassurances around classrooms and the conditions in which children are currently working in during this period of lower temperatures.
As you may be aware, COVID remains a threat, but we are expected to live with it and there is no expectation to test. That said, we have seen several positive cases involving children and adults in school, and the usual coughs and colds which prevents children and adults from coming to work and school.
As such, we use our risk assessments to guide us and to help ensure we commit to classroom ventilation, as we try to avoid large spreads amongst 630 children, in order to keep everyone safe and well. This is the time of year in particular where no one wants to be unwell, particularly the children, in the lead up to, and over Christmas itself. We have many lovely things planned which we want everyone to enjoy across the school community in the coming weeks.
One element of protection is the use of appropriate ventilation, which classrooms operate through opening doors and windows slightly. However, when we have a cold snap, these doors are closed and only a window is open to allow some air flow. Whilst we recognise we want some fresh air flowing through classrooms, it is not at the expense of children freezing or being uncomfortable. Children who get particularly cold are permitted to wear their coats in classrooms and the school boilers are working well with central heating used throughout the school. The inside temperature is generally very comfortable.
This approach will remain in place whilst we have this cold snap and the outside temperature remains particularly cold. We will assess the situation each week and make adaptions where appropriate.
I can't however guarantee it will be warm on the playground, if you are joining us for our traditional 'Carols around the Tree' on December 8th but the singing will be wonderful and the atmosphere special.
Kind regards
Mr Churchill
Email from Mrs Lloyd-Christie 29.11.23
Dear Parents/Carers
Ref: Change to Communications
I am writing to inform you of a few tweaks we will be making to the way we communicate with you from January 2024.
As a school, we have spent some time reflecting on the outcomes of the recent CLP parent survey, and as such, we have taken on board your comments and feedback in relation to how we can communicate even more effectively.
Thank you for your feedback and continued support. We are always committed to acting robustly and swiftly when listening to the views and opinions of our school community.
Thank you
Mrs Lloyd-Christie
Deputy Headteacher
Leg it to Lapland challenge Nov 2023
TEXT 10.11.23
We have produced a parent survey re. our communications from school. Please complete at:
Thank you for your time.
EMAIL 10.11.23
Dear parents and carers,
We now have access to a free fundraising site for Heatherlands:
I have registered the school. Please find attached an information leaflet explaining how it works.
If you are shopping online and use the site, Heatherlands benefits from a percentage of the sale from over 7000 different brands/shops. There is no cost to you at all.
Thank you
Miss Collis
October 2023
September 2023
Welcome back from Mr Churchill
Good morning, Parents and Carers
I hope you have all enjoyed a restful and enjoyable summer break despite the weather!
We are all really looking forward to welcoming the children and families back to school on Tuesday, the teachers have been busily preparing lots of exciting learning opportunities and preparing classrooms.
During the summer break we have been making further improvements to the school, including fitting a new industrial kitchen to allow us to have hot school meals cooked on site, new playground markings on our top playground and bespoke artwork in years 2 and 6 from local graffiti artist TECH MOON, who recently completed the high-quality fox mural at Branksome rec.
The last couple of days have been training days for the school where we have completed safeguarding training, shared updates in maths, English and looked at our new policy around behaviour and relationships- these training days are essential as they help the Heatherlands staff to become even more skilled at what they do and to keep improving their professional practice.
I am sure some children may feel slightly apprehensive about returning after a long break but please reassure them that we are ready for them and Ralph the therapy dog will be on hand to lend a hand if required. There will of course as usual be lots of friendly faces in their high viz jackets across the school.
We are of course, particularly looking forward to seeing our new early years children who will be experiencing school for the first time - its going to a great morning and full of fun and discovery.
See you all soon.
Mr Churchill
Welcome back - organisation
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Heatherlands. I hope you all had a lovely break and are looking forward to a busy Autumn term. As the start of a new school year is always a busy time, I am emailing the main notices and reminders, timings etc for your diaries.
Entering school
We are lucky to have 3 entrances into school, which enable us to manage the numbers of children entering the site safely. A member of the senior leadership team will be available on each of these gates if you have any questions or messages to pass to the teachers. The 3 entrances are:
1. Library Road (main entrance) used by all Key Stage 1 children and Early Years
2. Cecil Road (off Argyle Road) used by Years 3 & 4
3. Recreation Road - used by Years 5 & 6
Siblings are able to enter the school together, using the most appropriate gate. Younger siblings entering school via the Cecil Road or Recreation Road gates will be met by staff on the lower playground and walked up to class.
The Library Road gates open to Year 1 and Year 2 children at 8.35am and remain open for Early Years children (information to be sent separately regarding the first 2 weeks arrangements) and for any children who are late and need to be signed in by a parent or carer. Teachers in Year 1 and Year 2 will wait at the top of the driveway to welcome the children and signpost them to their classrooms during the first few days.
The Cecil Road and Recreation Road gates open at 8.30am and close at 8.50am.
Parents do not need to come onsite in the mornings unless you need to go to the office, however, the gates open for parents from 3.15pm for collection from class. A member of the senior leadership team will be available on each of the gates to ensure you know where you are going in the first few weeks.
PE timetable
On a PE day, your child can come into school dressed in their school PE kit. PE will commence as of the 5th September. This consists of a white t shirt, blue school sweatshirt and navy shorts. They should not be wearing trainers into school on any other days. If it is cold, or the weather changes, they may wear blue tracksuits (no logos please) and we may move PE lessons inside if necessary. https://www.heatherlands.poole.sch.uk/school-uniform/
The school uses Price and Buckland online as a uniform store and the school also run regular secondhand sales. If it is your childs birthday they are welcome to wear their own clothes to celebrate. If the birthday is on a PE day they need to wear sensible shoes.
Homework is set weekly inline with our homework schedule (see attached). All homework is set online using Google classroom. We will inform you of the log in details for this as soon as possible. Please also find attached the homework guide for further information. Bug club log ins will also be sent home in the next few days. https://www.heatherlands.poole.sch.uk/homework-guidance-developing-metacognition/
Please ensure you have labelled all your child's uniform, PE kit, hat, coat etc. We always seem to have an enormous amount of lost property with no names and nowhere to store this. We frequently clear this and have to throw a lot away! The lost property bins are stored outside the school office inside the bike shed.
Tesco Community Grants Fund
There are still a few days left for you to cast your vote for Heatherlands at your local Tesco. Please support us if you can.
Space net
The space net which is situated on the lower playground is not for use before or after school. The children have timetabled slots during the school day which is monitored by specific staff for health and safety reasons.
Afterschool clubs
Please contact the office if you wish your child to attend any of these clubs, if there is space.
Breakfast Lounge & Explorers
The school provides wrap around care from 7.45am - 8.45 am and from 3.15 to 5.15pm. This needs to be booked and paid for at least a week in advance. Please the contact the office for further information.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 5th September - Back to school
Monday 11th September - parents meeting Years 1 & 2 from 3.30pm (creche available)
Tuesday 12th September - parents meeting Years 3 & 4 from 3.30pm (creche available)
Wednesday 13th September - parents meeting Years 5 & 6 from 3.30pm (creche available)
Wednesday 13th September - Homework set (see attached guide)
From Monday 18th September - Year 4 swimming lessons at Rossmore. (Swanage class)
Thursday 21st September - Y6 PGL meeting (invitations will be sent to parent group)
Monday 25th September - Homework due in
Wednesday 4th October - Homework quiz set
Monday 9th October - Homework quiz due in
Monday 9th October - Harvest festival
Thursday 12th & Friday 13th October - Flu vaccinations (info to follow)
Monday 16th October - View your childs work (from 3pm)
Friday 20th October - INSET day
Please do not hesistate to contact the office via phone 01202 743918 or email: heatherlands.office@coastalpartnership.co.uk if you have any questions.
The office opening hours are 8am - 4.15pm.
The school website also contains a lot of relevant and useful information: www.heatherlands.poole.sch.uk
Miss Collis
March 2023
Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am sure you are already aware that the third and fourth days of industrial action by the NEU will be going ahead on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023.
We had hoped to be able to accommodate all children in school on both days as normal, but this is simply not possible due to some limitations with staffing on those days. This means we will have to close four of our classes. Classes will return to normal on Friday. The affected classes are set out below and will be closed for the day:
All other classes remain open and are staffed.
I am aware that this obviously creates challenges for some affected families but as I said in my previous strike update letter, staff will have not taken this decision to strike lightly.
As we tried to prepare in advance for this day, we cancelled lunches for some year groups to ensure less food wastage. Do not be alarmed if you have had a cancellation message from Chartwells and your child will be in school. Lunch will be provided if you preordered.
Our aim was always to try to offer families as much notice as possible about our plans for the planned industrial action, but unfortunately this has not been possible.
I apologise for any inconvenience caused at this stage.
Mr J Churchill
February 2023
Dear Parents and carers,
Firstly, we’d like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has donated books to school in recent weeks, your support is invaluable to our book fundraising efforts.
We are very excited to be partnering with Pop-Up Bookshop and the Great Big Read initiative again to fundraise for new books to benefit all children at Heatherlands Primary School.
Over the last 3 years, we have raised a phenomenal £3,485 extra books through our reading challenges and book fairs!
We are now looking forward to celebrating World Book Day in March and sharing everything we love about books and reading for pleasure with the children!
The children can build their home library by visiting a pupil-only pre-loved book fair held during the school day. All pre-loved books are kindly donated by our school and wider community, with a large selection of titles to choose from.
The Great Big Read team will visit Heatherlands Primary School on Tuesday 28th February during school hours.
We encourage children to come to school on this date dressed as their favourite book character - we are looking forward to seeing your creative outfits! This is a date change as previously this was planned for Thursday 2nd March.
Throughout the day, all pupils will visit the book fair to select a pre-loved title to keep at home!
We ask for a suggested donation of £2 per child towards school book fundraising.
This event is fully inclusive and donations are optional - all children will join in the fun! You are welcome to contribute a higher amount to this initiative should you wish to do so. Donations can made via;
Thank you for supporting Heatherlands to help promote reading for pleasure and in our book fundraising efforts!
Thank you
Miss Collis
Year 5 Hampton Court visit
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 5 pupils,
I am pleased to let you know that we have secured a date to visit Hampton Court Palace. We will be visiting on Wednesday 26th April 2023. The cost for all pupils is now £7.50 per pupil. This cost has been hugely subsidised by a large amount of funding from Hampton Court Palace, alongside a generous contribution from the Friends of Heatherlands; both donations we are hugely grateful for!
I know many of you have already paid towards the previous trip, but we will now refund this money and set up a new payment plan for £7.50, split across two payments of £4.00 and £3.50. It is easier to do it this way on our school money systems; I do apologise for the inconvenience. The money needs to please be paid by Wednesday 8th March 2023. If we have not received the full payments by this date, we may need to cancel the trip again and will lose the funding we have been granted.
This will be a long day and children will need to be at school earlier than usual at 7:30am. The expected return time at school is 4:50pm. School staff will support the children on the visit and so we do not require parent helpers this time.
I will write to you again to confirm all final arrangements. Over the next few days, we will begin to issue refunds and set up the new payment system online. We no longer use paper permission slips, however, please email the school office giving your child’s permission to attend the trip. Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm with this trip to Hampton Court Palace.
Kind regards, Mrs Deverill
Year 3 Roman Day 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of our current topic on the Romans, we are excited to announce that we will be running a Roman themed experience day for Year 3 children on Tuesday 28th March.
We would like the children to come into school dressed as a Roman on this day. Please do not feel that you need to spend lots of money on a costume. A small effort is all that is required, so making your own costume from clothes and materials you may already have at home is absolutely fine. Below is some information on the type of clothing that was worn at this time. One of the activities we will be doing with the children on this day will involve the use of clay, so please feel free to send your child in with an old t-shirt to wear to protect their costume.
As we will be making lots of wonderful Roman arts and crafts for the children to take home, if you would like to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of supplies then please bring in £1 on the day to give to your child’s class teacher.
Yours sincerely,
The Year 3 Team
Roman clothes were made of wool and spun into cloth by the women of the family. If you could afford to buy clothes, you could buy linen, cotton or silk, which was brought to Rome from other parts of the Empire.
Women wore a longer tunic which was often ankle-length. Over this they wore a stola which was full length from neck to ankle, high- waisted and fastened at the shoulders with clasps.
Rich women wore long tunics made from expensive cotton or silk. They also wore lots of jewelry and make-up, strong scent and elaborate hairstyles. They had specially trained slaves to help them dress, arrange their hair and put make-up on their faces.
Good afternoon parents/carers of year 5 and 6,
We have decided to email all parents/carers in years 5 and 6 in response to conversations had with the children as part of our Internet Safety Day. (7.2.23)
We had an assembly today and discussed scenarios that the children may find themselves in and how we can protect ourselves when using social media apps on our devices.
It has come to our attention that some children within years 5 and 6 have access to Snapchat and through this app, have been receiving some negative and hurtful messages. This concerns us as a school as the minimum age limit for Snapchat is 13 years. However, we understand that some parents/carers have allowed their children to use apps such as Snapchat. If this is the case, we urge you to check your child's phone/device regularly to ensure that the app is being used responsibly. Attached to this email is some helpful guidance about Snapchat.
As a school, we are vigilant in ensuring the children understand appropriate online behaviours. However, as we do not allow personal electronic devices to be used in school time, it is very difficult for us to monitor this behaviour at home and so ask for your continued support with this.
Kind regards,
The Year 5 and 6 team
January 2023
Dear Parents and Carers of year 6 children
As you may be aware, year 6 is a very special year for children, as they take on more responsibility and learn the skills of independence including self-directed study, which over time becomes a key secondary school expectation and skill.
As part of the uniqueness of year 6, the children undertake national testing called Standard Assessment Tests or simply SATs.
'SATs are used to measure children’s progress and achievements in maths, spelling, punctuation & grammar, plus reading. The results show the progress between Year 2 and Year 6, which is really important to show what children have particularly learnt in English and maths. SATs also help prepare children for the next stage of their education.'
Throughout this school year, the year 6 team work very hard to prepare the children to take these different SAT tests, but it is also essential that children complete the homework tasks that are set each week, which provide them with further opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills required to prepare for the SATs.
The children are given special CGP books which guide them through the work they need to complete each week, although this is linked to the work they do in class, it remains essential that parents help provide the encouragement and motivation for children to complete this work each week and return it school for checking.
The systemic support from home to help your child remain focused when completing their homework will support the children with their SATS when they sit them in May. The partnership between home and school will be vital if the children are to achieve their potential in reading, writing and maths.
Parents and carers are informed of the outcomes of the tests late in the summer term and further updates on the administration of the tests will be shared nearer time.
Thank you for your support in the coming months as we continue to work towards preparing all our children to undertake their SATs and prepare for secondary transitions.
Best wishes
Mr Churchill
December 2022
Dear Parents and Carers
We have been provided with the following information from BCP to share with you as we continue to see an escalation in illnesses at this time of year.
There are several viruses including Covid which are circulating in our community and there are things we can all do to reduce the spread of the virus and other respiratory infections. This includes keeping children off school when they are unwell. If your child has symptoms that concern you, call 111 and look at getting an online appointment or support from pharmacies with medication to reduce symptoms.
If your child is unwell with symptoms of a respiratory virus, they should:
If a child has a positive COVID-19 or has confirmation of another infection illness, they should:
Full guidance for people with symptoms of a respiratory virus is available on gov.uk
In addition, the NHS website has some very good advice about symptoms of Strep’ A and some on Scarlet Fever. The symptoms are best looked at on the NHS website for accuracy UKHSA update on scarlet fever and invasive Group A strep - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
There are very few cases but it is infectious and you should not send your child to school if they have symptoms. Like with Covid you should encourage hand cleaning regularly and schools are doing that too.
If your child has these symptoms;
As a parent, if you feel that your child seems seriously unwell, you should trust your own judgement. Contact NHS 111 or your GP if:
· your child is getting worse
· your child is feeding or eating much less than normal
· your child has had a dry nappy for 12 hours or more or shows other signs of dehydration
· your baby is under 3 months and has a temperature of 38°C, or is older than 3 months and has a temperature of 39°C or higher
· your baby feels hotter than usual when you touch their back or chest, or feels sweaty
· your child is very tired or irritable
Call 999 or go to A&E if:
· your child is having difficulty breathing – you may notice grunting noises or their tummy sucking under their ribs
· there are pauses when your child breathes
· your child’s skin, tongue or lips are blue
· your child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake
Thank you
Mr Churchill
November 2022
Message from Mr Churchill
Dear Parents and Carers
As part of our work at Heatherlands, we maintain a focus through the curriculum of what it means to be British, British values and those events that can help celebrate being British.
As you may be aware, over the next month, England and Wales will be taking part in the football World Cup, a global festival that brings countries together to unite in the name of sport. At Heatherlands we now have families from all over the world and we recognise the importance of celebrating our diversity in different ways, including the World Cup and the different cultures we represent.
Many of our children at school play for teams outside of school and we are particularly aware that there is a global explosion in girls and women's football with participation increasing by 54%. To that end, as a school we remain committed to offering all our children a wide range of sporting experiences and we are pleased that we now have representative teams in boys, girls and mixed football. The children will be wearing their new kit in the new year, thanks to the generosity of one our parents, Mrs Small, who has provided sponsorship. We are very excited about the new design in the Heatherlands school colours.
From feedback, wider participation at lunchtime and school clubs, we know many of our children have a real interest in sport and are now beginning to talk about sporting events like the World Cup with many aspiring to one day represent England at some level in a sport. Events like the World Cup help to generate a' buzz' around the school and provide teachers with opportunities to cross reference the World Cup to key subjects like PE, geography and English.
As we learn to live with covid, we are now in a position to now bring more of the 'awe and wonder' back into the school to help create lasting memories for all the children, where school becomes more than reading, writing and maths lessons.
To this end, On Monday November 21st, England play their first World Cup match against Iran with the kick off scheduled for 1pm. As the game falls during the school day, all the children will have the option on this day to wear their England football shirts, shirts of the teams they play for locally or any sports top of choice to show solidary for their home country as they begin their pursuit of the World Cup trophy.
Additionally, children in KS2 (Years 3 -6) will have the option to join together in the hall to watch the England verses Iran match at 1pm on our smart screen. Our younger children will remain in classrooms due to the length of time they would be expected to sit and the available space, but they will have access to the game via classroom smart boards should they choose to watch. Activities will be prepared for the children in classrooms who chose not to watch, to ensure they have a productive afternoon which links to the global and diverse nature of this event.
As we know, the children have missed out on many milestones and the enjoyment that going to school can bring, especially when surrounded by your friends as a direct result of the restrictions enforced by Covid. Hopefully we can now move forward without distraction to continue to provide all the children with the right academic, social and emotional balance as they continue their journey through Heatherlands.
We look forward to an exciting day, a positive result and finding out if the World Cup trophy could actually be 'coming home'
See your goal; Understand the obstacles; Create a positive mental picture; Clear your mind of self-doubt; Embrace the challenge; Stay on track; Show the world you can do it - That's success
Thank you
Mr Churchill
Message 21 Oct 2022
On Tuesday 1st November we are holding an 'Introduction to using Bug Club' workshop for all parents in the hall from 2.45pm. This will help you understand how the programme works and why we use it to support the development of reading at Heatherlands.
October 2022
Message 21 Oct 2022
The gates will open at 3pm on Monday 31st October for 'View Your Child's Work'. Please come in and have a look at your child/rens work so far this year with your child. You are welcome to take them home once you have shared their learning.
Information for next half term at Heatherlands
Good afternoon,
I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a safe and restful half term and look forward to seeing you all on 31.10.22 for the rest of our Autumn term.
I would also like to give you some information relating to key dates and events that are planned in advance of any reminder texts, to give information and enable you to add them to your diaries.
1. Monday 31st October at 3pm
We will be opening the gates early to enable you to 'View your child's work'. For those of you who have not experienced this before, it is a chance to talk through your child's english, maths and topic work with them in their classroom before going home. If you have children in different year groups or classes, this will hopefully give you plenty of time to visit each of them and share their work before going home.
2. Tuesday 1st November at 2.45pm
We are running a getting to know 'Bug Club' workshop for parents in any year groups who want to find out more about why we use 'Bug Club' and how to use it as well as how we use it in school. We would love to see lots of you as this is such a fantastic resource. It will take place in the hall with Mr Arrowsmith as there is plenty of room in there for all of you to sit comfortably.
3. Friday 4th November
Year 4 have Forest School Friday and will need to wear outdoor clothing, including waterproof coats and sensible shoes. They will spend the day outside undertaking a range of adult led activities come rain or shine!
4. Friday 11th November
As above but for Year 2
5. Wednesday 16th November at 2.30pm in the studio
Year 3 and Year 4 parents are invited into school to meet Miss Hillier and find out more about the Mathathon and the Year 4 multiplication check which takes place in June 2023 for the current Year 4 and June 2024 for the current Year 3. She will also talk a little about the reading culture in key stage 2.
6. Friday 18th November at 2pm
Each year, Year 1 are given an opportunity to undertake road safety training with the council road safety team. To enable them to go 'road side' and experience crossing the road in a safe and managed way, we ask for parent helpers from Year 1 to support. To help you find out how this is run, we have a parent meeting planned for the 18th November at 2pm in the studio. The road safety team will take you through the process and ensure you are clear on the delivery of the programme. We do need at least 6 parents who can commit 2 whole Friday afternoons with us. Friday 2nd December and Friday 9th December from 1 - 3pm, weather dependant. Thank you in advance. Please let the office know if you are able to support this in Year 1. If we do not have enough adults for the 2 sessions, the children won't be able to go road side but will have an assembly instead, so they won't miss out entirely.
7. Week beginning 21st November
Early Years parents evenings will be taking place. in school. You will receive an email nearer the time to sign up.
8. Monday 5th December
Swanage class start their swimming lessons at Rossmore on a Monday afternoon. Permission forms etc will be sent out in November.
9. Week beginning 5th December
Ks1 and KS2 parents evenings will be taking place. in school. You will receive an email nearer the time to sign up.
10. Tuesday 6th December & Wednesday 7th December
Early Years will be performing their nativity to their parents. This will be taking place at 2.30pm on the 6th and 9.30am on the 6th in the hall. More information will be sent out in November.
11. Thursday 15th December 3.30 - 4.30pm
This is Christmas jumper day for the children.
Also, we will be holding an outside carol service on the top playground for all families afterschool. Please wrap up and come along to join the teachers and teaching assistants as we end the term with a Christmas sing song around the Christmas tree followed by a biscuit sale in the hall.
I hope this email is helpful in its content. We will continue sending text reminders as events occur and hope our communication with you is clear and useful.
Miss Collis
Message 21 Oct 2022
Reminder: It is non uniform today. The theme is 'mismatched' or 'bright colours'.
Message 13 Oct 2022
There will be no Valley Rangers after this half term due to the weather and light. We hope to take this up again in the spring term. Kind regards
Message 05/10/2022
There will be no drama with Ms Evans this Friday 07 Oct 2022
September 2022
Reminder 30 Sep 2022
We will be ordering Junior Duke booklets on Monday 3rd October. If you child wishes to take part, we need full payment by 10am on Monday. Thanks
*Heatherlands Lounge Breakfast Club*
Due to rising numbers at Breakfast club & to guarantee a space, we now require you to book 7 days in advance. This is to ensure we have the staff & enough food.
When booking, you will have 2 options, 7.45am start for £5, and 8am start for £4.
If you are already booked on, but would like to change the time, you can simply go in and delete your current booking and re book for the new time.
Message from Mr Churchill 9.9.22
Dear Parents/Carers
We are all very saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday afternoon and as a school we have paid our respects this morning with a special assembly to mark the dedicated 70-year reign and service of Her Majesty.
School staff were available to support the children throughout the day should they have had any questions or concerns.
We intend to continue to celebrate the reign of our Queen closer to the funeral and we await guidance from the DfE in relation to any school closures to mark the passing and funeral of the Queen.
I hope you all have a restful weekend.
Messages 06 September 2022
100 Reads - all the children have a new grid in their reading pack. If your child had not completed the last one, we shall add those books to the grid so they can keep going. All children that completed it last year will then start again.
Welcome to Year 1. The children have had a great first day and we have enjoyed having them back in the classroom.
Message 02 Sept 2022
Cleverchefs Meal Ordering - please ensure that you register any allergies for your child with Cleverchefs before ordering any meals. Thanks
Email from Mr Churchill 2.9.22
Good morning, everyone
I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer - the weather was unusually kind to us and gave us lots of opportunities to get outside and explore our lovely local area.
Over the last few days, the staff have been in school undertaking important training and getting everything ready for the start of the new term. We are really looking forward to seeing all the children on Monday and continuing to return to normal as we all live with covid.
I would particularly like to extend my thanks to all parents and carers for your support around the tweaks to the school uniform and look forward to seeing the children looking smart and ready to get started next week.
Finally, I like to extend a warm welcome to our new starters and their families as they begin their school journey next week - We will endeavour to make their first day of school as memorable and exciting as possible! Don't forget to get that first day of school photo on Monday morning.
Have an enjoyable weekend
See you all at the gates on Monday
Best wishes
Mr Churchill