Enjoying Learning Together
Congratulations and welcome to the next new members of our senior leadership team! The ID badges are ready and we look forward to welcoming both Maisey and Amelia in their roles as Assistant Headteacher at Heatherlands today. It's going to be a busy day, starting with playground duty, a learning walk and some handwriting monitoring. Have a fantastic day!
It is Romanie's turn to meet with Mr Churchill this afternoon for her Head Teacher duties. A quick chat then off for a learning walk! She also got to present some KS1 reading rainbow awards.
A strategic meeting this morning head to head!
Leighton is already working hard and showing strong leadership qualities in his new role.
Congratulations and welcome to the newest members of our senior leadership team! The ID badges are ready and we look forward to welcoming both Leighton and Romanie in their roles as Headteacher at Heatherlands tomorrow. Try to go to bed early and make sure you are ready for the day ahead Leighton and Romanie - leading a school is a tough job and one that requires you to be full of energy and enthusiasm and ready for anything!
As a result of Mondays' careers day in Years 5 and 6, the children were offered to apply for the positions of Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Office Administrator or Mid day Supervisor - with some of the interviews being held today.
Mr Churchill had 36 applicants for the Headteacher position and had to read every application this morning to enable him to shortlist!
Mr Churchill wrote to all the candidates this morning:
Dear Year 5 and Year 6
Thank you for your recent letters applying for the post of Head Teacher at Heatherlands Primary school.
I read all your letters as part the shortlisting process and was impressed with of your ideas if you were in charge of the school.
It was a very difficult job reading all 36 letters of application and I had to consider how the letters were presented which is how employers short list for the right candidates.
As a result I have selected 11 candidates from year 5 and 6 to be interviewed later today.
Thank you all for your applications and showing an interest in the role of Head Teacher at Heatherlands.
Congratulations to those of you who have met the short listing criteria and have been offered an interview.
Final decisions will be made this week around the offer of the job.
Good luck!
Mr Churchill
A massive thank you to everyone who helped to organise and deliver an extremely successful careers day yesterday for Years 5 and 6. Thank you to all the parents, carers and colleagues who gave up their time to talk to the children and to Sophie Nott for leading the assembly. The event was inspirational and has given our children a real chance to consider the next stage in the education as well as raise their aspirations. They spoke so confidently about their career choices and produced high quality CV's and application letters for a range of careers, including those we advertised internally.