
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Friends of Heatherlands

Friends of Heatherlands are the parent/teacher fundraising group who meet regularly to organise events to help boost funds for our school. We are mums, dads, carers, teachers and staff who do all the fun stuff! We organise the school discos, cake sales, quiz nights, fun day and more for your children and families to enjoy and get involved in.

It is due to events such as these that we are able to raise money for the school to put towards equipment and events for all our children here at Heatherlands School. We realise how busy everyone is but all we ask is a little of your time to get involved, whether it be balloon blowing, face painting, ice-cream selling or present wrapping. We also appreciate any donations throughout the year for raffle/tombola prizes and will be happy to promote anyone who has a business to over 300 local families in exchange for a raffle donation.


We need your help in order to make our school an even better learning environment that will benefit all our children. We realise not everyone can make our meetings but for those of you who would like to help at events we are building a database of families who would like to be notified when and how they can get involved. Our preferred method of contact will be email. Group emails will NOT show your email address.


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It will hopefully make the communication process and planning, for the future fundraising, so much easier.

We do have a lot of fun organising these events and make lots of friends, help is always gratefully received.


Please contact us at:
