
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Remembering Ralph

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beautiful Ralph. Run free.

Reading with Ralph

Here are some of the children that have been working with Hiro - Nuture & wellbeing workshops 'Condidence building around dogs'. The children worked really hard in completing Ralph the therapy dog's sessions. Through education & gradual exposure, the children learnt how dogs behave & how to behave around dogs. They all enjoyed the sessions & all said they enjoyed learning all about dogs. Olivia said 'I'm really happy because I'm over my fear of big dogs'. Well done everyone.

Hiro enjoyed another pamper from the children at lunchtime! 🐾

Hiro enjoyed a nice brush in the crisp winter sun yesterday....more to the right! 🐾

Hiro was happy to join in the 'Children in Need' theme , so much so he waited outside Mr Churchill's office to show off his AFCB shirt 🍒⚽

Hiro loves helping Mrs Lloyd -Christie!

Hiro had fun celebrating his 4th birthday with the children down in the valley.

Hiro has been enjoying sitting in the shade down in the valley with the children.

Hiro is back to school! He is in the valley Tuesday lunchtime & listening to readers on Monday afternoons. Today Hiro enjoyed a pear picked from the tree in the valley.

Hiro has had a lovely day at school today. He chilled in the library listening to a story then played doggie snap in the valley. Such a lucky boy!

Yr 6 enjoyed time with Hiro in the valley 🥰

Hazel (Ralph's friend) had her first visit to school! She enjoyed meeting a few of the children and listening to her first story read by Sky. Hazel really enjoyed herself and is looking forward to her next visit.

Santa also had time for a bit of fuss & a little treat for Ralph!

Ralph loves to help children, who sometimes need a little support to come into school. Ralph walked Elliott in and listened to him read before he went to class 🥰

Ralph was treated like royalty on his birthday! He had balloons, banners & was treated to a happy birthday song by violin! Have a very happy bithday Ralph! 🐾🎂 Balloons by Treasured balloons & celebration supplies.

A message from my mum 😇 Hello my name is Keren, probably better known as Ralph’s mum! I have a small request please! I am asking for feedback from the parents who’s children have attended Ralph’s workshops? Let me share this exciting news! Pets As Therapy, the charity Ralph is registered with, is working to transform Ralphs workshops into an e-learning resource, making it accessible and free for all schools over the country! Heatherlands primary school is the first school to have received these workshops, I guess Heatherlands would be considered the pilot study! And why? Because i designed them😇 Over years of hard work and scientific study as an Animal Behaviourist I have personally designed these workshops and now ready to push them to the next level! This is why I really need your help with receiving as many feedback replies from parents whos children have attended the workshops; evidence of impact and guidance for improving, your feedback will be part of my proposal to the board to really push for Ralph's workshops 🤞🏻 - if you would like to know more i am happy to chat, its a favourite subject of mine 😁 Thank you in advance, your voice matters and can help many more children and families 🐾 All names will be anonymous. Please send it to either myself or school reception. Please state your child's age too. P.s feedback from any teachers or TA's who have observed the sessions are welcome too 😁


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Ralph was getting into the halloween spirit as he greeted the children this morning!

Ralph was enjoying a story & an ear rub from Oscar today!

Ralph was enjoying some fuss in the shade!

Natalia wrote a letter to Ralph to ask if he’d listen to her read, he loves a good story! Natalia also received a special bookmark from Ralph. Keep reading Natalia!

Ralph & the children had fun at the first session of his 'Nurture & Wellbeing' workshops.

First day in the office! What a wonderful lunchtime in the Valley with the children, we played 'find it', I chased sticks and smelt all the beautiful flowers. Children can find me in the valley on various lunchtimes ☀️🐾🌷🪻 please come and find me! I have rules though - small groups at a time with calm and gentle behaviour. Don't worry, my mum is always with me to makes sure everyone has a great time! 🐾 I look forward to spending time in the valley with all the children 🐾 Heatherlands Primary School

Is it Ralph or is it Aslan?!

It's great to see Ralph back after the Christmas break!

I've decided to take an extra long Christmas break, It's been a busy year so far for me 🐾 My last day in school will be this Friday the 9th of December then back in January!.... I have a busy week ahead, watching EY Nativity and breakfast lounge! I look forward to wishing all my children a merry Christmas this week -also look out for Christmas story with my friend Rufus 📖🐾 ☃️🎄🎁🎅🏻

Reindeer Ralph!

Ralph has been busy working with children to help boost their confidence around dogs.

Happy 11th birthday Ralph! Hope you enjoyed all your treats & head rubs at school!


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I found a football to play with at the park! Look how athletic i am 😁 you wouldn't believe i turn 11 on Thursday!!!! 🐾🎈look out for my birthday stickers at school 🥳🐾

What a Saturday! I was guest appearance at Jacks 5th birthday party - it was so good to see so many of my school children having fun! 🐾🎉Happy birthday Jack 🎉🐾

Ralph loves a head rub 🐾

Ralph is back with his second round of his nurture and wellbeing workshop which is running through November. Please call the office to book a space. There are only 6 spaces available at this time.

Had a walk on the heathlands over the weekend! I went with one of my school children🥰 Lila and her brother Jack often see me walking in the morning and I just love walking to school with them!! 🐾🥰

Ralph has been enjoying a story in Early Years

What a weekend!! I bumped into one of my school children at the park and we played catch, Robert is a very kind boy, he always buys me treats 🍖 it was great to be off lead and play with him!!!

Ralph in Early Years hearing readers!

What a busy first couple of weeks at school!! I got to meet all the reception children in their classrooms and gave out stickers 🐾 The children are doing an excellent job walking into school on their own! I've enjoyed walking some of them in too! Now for a long weekend, see you all Tuesday. Ralph🐾

Queen Elizabeth II or the then Princess Elizabeth with the first two Pembroke Welsh Corgis to join the House of Windsor, Dookie and Jane, in 1936. Thank you for your service Ma’am - love Ralph 🐾

Hope you're all having a wonderful bank holiday weekend! I'm here chilling in my Cambridgeshire country retreat ☀️🌾🐾

Yay after 3 months of no loose dogs, I can finally run at Alder Hills nature reserve again!! Low nesting bird season is over 🐾 there are very large cows on the heath though 😬 can you see them behind me!!!

My cousin's from Cambridgeshire visited this weekend, so of course I took them paddle boarding🌊 Hiro did well too, was impressed how quick he learnt and stayed on👌🏻🐾

Ralph was on This Morning!

Ralph presented the children that completed his Nurture and Wellbeing Workshop with a certificate. Great work everyone!

Busy preparing for my next competition

The second session of my workshop went well - so mum tells me! I wont go till session 4 🤞🏻 The children learnt about how us dogs use our bodies to speak..... As i wrote the workshop, its only right im the example 😁 so part of the session the children discussed these pictures, can you tell the difference? One im happy and relaxed the other rather stressed from thunder! So happy we can help these children build confidence around dogs 👌🏻🐾

I love swimming!! It's so good for me and keeps me healthy 👌🏻 mum does her best to dry me but i do often have wet ears on the morning school run 🐾

That sun is finally out!☀️ Which means I can sit outside now whilst I listen to the children read 📚and look what one of my children made for me, tuna dog biscuits - yummy😋🐾

Thats two jubilees ive celebrated at one of my favourite places, Branksome rec! What a lovely time Saturday celebrating, I saw some many of my children 🥰 and work colleagues! 👌🏻 Fun fact: I was the first dog to scent mark this plaque ten years ago, though to this day im not sure why mum had the need to apologise to the workmen clearing their tools 🤔🐾👑

Me at Lyme Regis walking on the harbour wall. Taken just after our walk up to Golden Cap - the highest point in Dorset 👌🏻🐾 great day out

I love Fridays!! Very busy morning greeting the children, then i had Pawmail to read and children to listen to - amazing reading and concerntrating from the children. The children today also told me how i help them feel happy when coming into school each morning - I love my job 👌🏻🐾

Ralph is chilling to some great reading!

❣️Happy valentine's day!❣️ I got lots of hugs and love from my children today in celebration of valentine's day, best part was when Jessica gave me a homemade love heart cookie with my initial on it 🥰😋🐾👩🏼‍🍳

Thank goodness my Dads 50th birthday trip plan A and then B abroad were cancelled due to covid! This ment Hiro and I got to to Cornwall for a few days with the whole family 🙌🏻 What an adventure! We hiked coastal paths, spotted seals in the sea, as big as me 🙀 we ran up and down very very big sand dunes, had a spectacular walk in a storm (thankfully no thunder to scare me) and enjoyed being with my closest members of family 🥰 not many pictures of me mind, they were too busy taking pictures of the views👌🏻🐚🌊🦭🐾

One of my school children drew this amazing portrait of me... To the best dog EVER !!! Well, what more is there to say 😎🐾

Some Friday reading with Ralph!

Check me out!! 👌🏻 I have a new bandana with the school logo, now i have a uniform like my children. I feel so smart 👌🏻🐾

Ralph met some school friends at the park!

Ralph enjoyed today's reading, so soothing!

It's been a busy start to the new year for Ralph!

Ralph says thank you for all his Christmas treats!

Mrs Andrews cooked too many sausages at the 'Breakfast Lounge' which was great news for Ralph!

There is something very soothing about listening to children read!

Reading is sooooo relaxing!

I am now official with my new school ID badge!

Thank you for all the fuss & head rubs yesterday. I read my cards by the fire & I’m still wearing my birthday badge! 🐾🥳

Celebrating Ralph's 10th birthday on November 10th

Starfish class sing 'Happy birthday' to Ralph

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Ralph is such a good listener!

It's crazy hair day!

Breakfast & reading, life is good for Ralph!

Just chilling after a busy Sunday morning!

Ralph was all ears listening to children read!

A nice Sunday walk. I found a new stick! I also met some children from school along the way!

Ralph came 3rd place, in the 'Gorgeous Grandpa' round at a recent dog show. Well done Ralph!

Ralph loves the camera!

Ralph was in school again today for reading & head rubs!

Ralph loves a good story. Good boy Ralph!

Ralph enjoyed a week camping in Cornwall, plenty of swimming, cliff climbing and jumping waves. He also enjoyed listening to Ren read.

Ralph spent the morning feeling very relaxed, listening to children read. Great work Ralph!

Our very own member of staff, Ralph, will be competing on Sunday 25th July in the Dogmasters Festival if you would like to go and support him, and he will be appearing on The One Show on Friday 23rd July at 7pm (BBC1).

Reading with Ralph


Introducing a new member of staff


I would like to introduce a new member of staff ‘Ralph’ who will be joining us this term. Ralph is a trained Pet Therapy dog and will be working with children to support their reading.


He wanted to introduce himself to everyone.



My name is Ralph and I am a registered therapy dog with the charity ‘Pets As Therapy PAT’. I am very excited to join the reading culture and be part of the Heatherlands team! My job is to listen to individual children read and greet the children around school. Rest assured I have gone under strict behavioral assessments, I am fully vaccinated and ALWAYS on a lead with my handler in charge (my mum).


So what are the therapy benefits for the children with me visiting school?


  • I will motivate children to focus and encourage learning
  • I am completely non-judgmental providing a relaxed experience for the children
  • I can increase self-confidence
  • I reduce self-consciousness
  • I will encourage the love of reading
  • I can put a smile on the children’s faces, giving a sense of well being
  • Teach and reinforce children how to be around dogs
  • Help overcome fear of dogs
  • Give a sense of pet ownership


Now about me!


I am a 9-year-old Pointerbay retriever, a born water dog! I love to swim in the sea, play on the beach and run through the woods. I have just started surfing lessons and love adventure walks on the Purbecks. At my home, I look after my busy house of adults and children, not forgetting my best friend Hiro the Pointer puppy. Hiro and I love listening to our children read and hear all about our families day’s events. I am very excited to add my visits to Heatherlands to my list of jobs! I cannot wait to meet you all,


