
Heatherlands Primary School

Enjoying Learning Together

Curriculum intent

At Heatherlands we are committed to ensuring we deliver high quality education. We teach the National Curriculum in a creative and cross curricular way offering authentic learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom, utilising the whole school environment and our forest school. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and builds upon the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting point, as they progress through each key stage. Our curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the children in our school. The intent of our curriculum is for pupils to have high aspirations, strive to be the best they can be and to make a positive contribution to the school community and beyond.


We have reviewed the implementation of our curriculum to ensure there is a much greater emphasis on the ‘powerful knowledge’ that children need to not only truly understand concepts, but also to enable them to apply this knowledge, offer informed explanations, make links and spot patterns. Crucially, it will also provide them with the essential foundations for the next part of their educational journey and beyond.
